So, every once in a while I have to post an update and write about something that has inspired me immensely.
First, it's been just over a year since my college graduation and let me tell you, it has been a wild ride! After graduating, I moved back home for about two weeks, only to move out again and into a friend's house for about six months. For those of you who know what it's like to have to rely on the kindness of your friends or even strangers, for something so life changing and knowing you could never properly repay them for their kindness, you know just how grateful I am to this person. About seven months ago (wow, I can't believe it's been seven months) I moved into a great apartment with my boyfriend of almost five years and we're doing great. I've had so many great jobs and opportunities in the past year. I can hardly believe I, we, have come this far and still have so much further to go, but it's so worth it!
Second, I have to speak what's on my mind. We, as humans, go through so much in life. Having cancer only makes it that much harder. Not just for yourself, but for everyone around you. It's why your friends may stop coming around or calling. It affects you and everyone around you, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Between that and the added daily pressures of life and career, things can seem pretty bleak sometimes. I've been there before. Likely, you have too. This is something we all have in common. This is something we can all pull together on. When one of us is down, we have to work together to lift that person up and help them out, even if they hate you for it. In their mind, the world is ending in almost every way possible. You, however, have the moral task of convincing them that it's not. Life goes on and so must you. Perseverance is key!
Tonight, I witnessed something amazing. Tonight, a life was physically saved, although this life may not see it that way right now. Allow me to let you all in on a little secret. When I was sick, all those years ago, my mother and father were still married, though their marriage was quickly fading. My mother was working, going to nursing school, and taking care of myself, my sister and my father, in addition to her ailing parents. She had also been tormenting herself mentally for years for several things that were not entirely in her control. After all of this stress came to a head a few years ago, it seemed like her life was ending for her. In reality, it was the beginning of something wonderful. She was finally getting the support she needed for so long. She just had to go through hell and back to get it. I'm entirely sure now that she would say it was worth it. The point of this story is that you can't give up. Too many times we want to give. Sometimes, it may even seem like the universe just wants us to...but you can't. You are in control of your life, at least to a point. It is what you make of it. Get a life, don't let it get you.
Just as a little pick me up, this is a song by a wonderful artist that I think is very appropriate and beautiful. The song is Perfect Road by Preston Pugmire. Perfect Road by Preston Pugmire