Monday, March 14, 2011

St. Jude's

It's difficult to see anyone go through cancer, but it's even more difficult to see a child go through it. Children believe, but they don't have to see and have more faith and hope than most adults. Many children that die with cancer dont ever really get to be a child. Have any of you ever heard of St. Jude's Research Hospital? If you haven't, let me tell you about it...

St. Jude's is a cancer hospital and research center for children that was founded by Danny Thomas in 1962. This institute has dedicated themselves to finding cures for childhood cancers. Aside from this, they also make sure that the child doesn't spend too much time in a hopsital, as all of St. Jude's patients are treated as outpatients, meaning they do not stay in the hospital. St. Jude's relies solely upon the money donated to them by kind-hearted people. Many parent's don't have the money to pay for their child's treatments. St. Jude's will not turn you away for your inability to pay.

As I was sitting in the car several days ago, me and my mom were listening to the radio and were flipping the stations. We stopped on one, it ended up being the St. Jude's Telethon. When listened, for a long while, to parent's stories of their children and how St. Jude helped them, even though their child was not saved.

One lady in particular, told the story of her daughter. The little girl was two-years-old when she was diagnosed, but she was only five-years-old when she passed away. This lady continues her story in tears as she tells of how, every morning for two weeks before her daughter died, her daughter would wake up and tell her that Jesus and his mommy visited her with the Angels and that the Angels wanted to take her with them, but it wasn't her time yet. Then, the night before the little girl passed away, she said that the Angels came back and told her to wait for her uncle. So the little girl waited for her uncle to get there and he came in the room and they talked and said their goodbyes to each other. He came out of the room and her parents went back in, they went up to her and she looked at them and said, "I love you!," then took her last breath.

At this point, both myself and my mom were crying, tremendously! Even, the telethon spokes lady couldn't help but cry.

It's next to impossible not to love, respect and donate to a place like this. Though I never went to St. Jude, if it weren't for places like this, I wouldn't be here today. 25-years-ago, there wasn't a treatment for Lymphoma. Myself, and others like me, would not be sitting here today and you would never see this. Organizations like St. Jude, Relay for Life, and the American Cancer Society are what make this possible.

If you would like to donate to St. Jude, click on this link:

Though, all Relay for Life proceeds go directly to the ACS, If you would like to donate to Relay for Life team in your area, click on this link:

If you would like to donate directly to the ACS, click on this link:

Any money that you donate is never to small and will never be forgotten, children and adults alike, across the world will thank you for the rest of their lives, just as I do!

=D Thank you!

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