Monday, January 30, 2012

I, as a cancer suvivor, am insulted!

This is an outrage. Okay, so here, read this article, then I'll rant:

Teen suspended for hair that he wants to donate to Locks-of-Love

Um, is it just me or does this seem unfair?  I know his position.  I'm currently attending a private college and know that there are no rights. I'm exaggerating a bit there, but it is kind of true. Also, as a cancer survivor, this is insulting!

This kid has battled one of the worst kinds of cancer his entire life and now has hair again and just wants to cut it off again and give it back to those who still don't have any.  We should be commending him, not kicking him out of school.  He's already received much attention from this, but I think it needs more. So, here's the other link from the article, in case you missed  it:

Please sign this!

I will leave it at that!

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